Cantina di Santadi adopts Autentico’s solutions to control its distribution.

The Cantina di Santadi produces over 2 million bottles/year, 700,000 of which have been tagged thanks to the collaboration of Autentico, an Italian IT company specialised in industrial and retail applications with Rfid/Nfc technology. The Sulcis winery in Sardinia asked Autentico to make its two best-known labels, Terre Brune and Rocca Rubia, unique and traceable in the global market, as well as to provide the consumer with a tool to check their authenticity.

Autentico is able to guarantee the total traceability of bottles from the bottling line to the end consumer, wherever they are in the world: a way of combating the phenomenon of counterfeiting to keep distribution under control, by limiting parallel market problems, to protect consumers and distributors. NFC micro tags (visible or hidden) make each bottle unique, impossible to duplicate, perfectly recognisable from all the others and traceable at all times. In addition, the direct contact between the winery and the end customer who reads the NFC tag present on the bottle – simply by moving their smartphone or tablet close to it – opens the doors to an infinite number of marketing possibilities, both for the purposes of securing loyalty and enhancing profits.

The traceability project with NFC solutions

Each bottle of Cantina di Santadi‘s Terre Brune and Rocca Rubia has been tagged with NFC, through the Autentico NFC platform, including the Android and IOS App for reading the tags and Back Office Cloud for managing the readings. The project was implemented with the Autentico Chain solution in the version for intensive productions, including the RFID reading tunnel with integrated weighing system, which allows the Tag to be applied and the bottles and boxes to be automatically identified.

The installation did not occupy any unnecessary space in the bottling line: the tunnel was placed in the area previously occupied by the weighing machine. The bottles and their boxes and pallets can now be promptly traced, with business management benefits in terms of real-time production control and automated picking thanks to the NFC tags. It has therefore been possible to provide consumers with a tool for verifying their authenticity in an easy, immediate, and non-invasive manner.

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