Risk analysis has always formed part of the corporate strategy and management and design processes of “ELISION S.r.l.”. Risk Management is the set of procedures that enable “ ELISION S.r.l. ” to take decisions which minimise any adverse effects that may jeopardise the smooth operation of the company and harm its customers, suppliers and employees and the general community.
The Risk Management policy is the responsibility of the General Management. The aim is to control or mitigate the most significant risks to which Elision and stakeholders may be subject and to facilitate the achievement of its operating and financial goals.
In financial terms, it is fundamental for attaining our objectives, for taking new business opportunities, implementing new development plans and managing our operations in an efficient, professional manner.
The General Management pursues Risk Management objectives by defining operating procedures and tools that include the identification, assessment, management and monitoring of the risks inherent in the company’s business. Elision assesses the relevant risks on the basis of the likelihood of occurrence and the impact of any adverse events and draws up a mitigation strategy. Elision continually assesses its control parameters and takes the necessary measures to improve them.
Our processes are designed to ensure that Elision complies with laws and regulations.
The Risk Management Framework is reviewed annually during strategic planning, and discussed by the General Management. The General Management is responsible for identifying risks and mitigating them by taking the appropriate measures.
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